Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Word Processing vs. Thinking

Word processing is a very effective tool which help facilitate thinking and acts as a buffer for the thought process. Writing long research reports is now not as tedious for the non-professionals with the help of word processing tool in contrast to writing on paper and keeping records. Word processing gives one the opportunity to go back to the document in order to review work and change information which is not possible when using paper and pen. According to the famous sayings, ‘a writer's pen is more powerful than a warrior's sword’ but in today’s digital world the pen has been replaced by the keyboard.

Although the chosen web link counts the advantages of word processing, such as accelerating speed, editing, and copying. It also criticizes the 'personality' of the given word processing tool that causes the loss of personal touch and humanity. Both handwriting and typing triggers different thoughts while delivering the same message. Handwriting has a personal touch to it while word processing seems monotonous, regardless, however it sets the criteria for professional formatting worldwide.
The author Turkle emphasizes that “The idea of thinking ahead has become exotic.” Word Processing has made thinking and jotting down ideas a simultaneous process. Although, using paper and pen gives one the chance to create a mind map and flow charts to brainstorm ideas. By the innovation of the digital notebook with handwriting recognition, it is now possible to create mind map, flows charts and handwritten notes on the laptop screen itself, although the final writing is always formatted in word processing. A lot of universities do not accept handwritten formal assignment submissions. For the modern day book writers, paper and pen are obsolete in the presence of the word processing tool which further improves the sentence structure and acts as a catalyst for articulation. In addition to the benefits of Word Processing tool, it is now one’s personal choice to hold on to paper and pen. Not using word processing is not an option in today’s high paced fast tech world, where it has become a basic office tool where even the informal messages are typed. The Internet networking is only possible through the use of keyboard and typing, which makes it even harder to avoid the typing tools for formal writing purposes. One may choose not to use Word Processing tool,  however, the fact cannot be denied that he/she is part of a society that greatly relies on Word Processing tool for formal and informal writing. The Word Processing tool has provided thought process, a smooth platform for its expression and articulation into words while having an opportunity to constantly proofread it.


  1. I think hand writing is still very useful in our daily life, but I get a little confused with your view about "word processing tool that causes the loss of personal touch and humanit".

  2. @ James: This statement 'word processing tool that causes the loss of personal touch and humanity' could be debated as a result of the generation gap between the 'digital natives' and the 'digital immigrants' generation. The population from the 'digital immigrants' generation might feel the personal touch aspect with handwritten material, such as writing diaries and personal letters, greeting cards etc. Whereas for the 'digital natives' generation today a typed message and a hand written message might generate same emotions.
